Sliding fee scale accepted drug and alcohol rehab facilities are facilities which can make rehabilitation doable in case you have not been able to cover the expense of rehab. A sliding fee scale is employed to get an estimated cost of rehab, which may have been lower than initially expected, as a consequence of certain circumstances. For instance, the cost of treatment could be lower for somebody in a sliding fee scale accepted facility if they have a lesser revenue and more dependents than someone else whose circumstances tend to be affluent. Some sliding fee scale accepted alcohol and drug treatment programs offer this chance to prospective clients for charitable purposes. Some facilities which provide a sliding scale fee may get a tax breaks for providing rehab at a reduced cost to clients, as charity. While others can provide a sliding scale fee because they can charge more affluent clientele more which balances everything out in the long run. If someone else doesn't think they are able to afford rehabilitation, it is worth looking into to determine if the rehab facility of choice is a sliding fee scale accepted rehab program. Individuals applying for such assistance will usually be required to provide an in depth questionnaire concerning their economic status as well as other info.