Partial day rehabs are centers where people receive substance abuse treatment services in the daytime after which return home every day when rehab is complete. Partial day rehab might be preferred over a more intensive plan which would require either an inpatient stay in a medical facility or possibly a residential stay in a residential alcohol and drug treatment center or therapeutic community. This is simply because it offers lots of flexibility so that the individual can maintain their obligations and regular way of life while still undergoing treatment services. Partial day rehab can also be a less expensive option, because clients are only spending money on the rehabilitation instead of the amenities necessary for an inpatient or residential alcohol and drug treatment program. Most partial day rehabs offer rehabilitation within a hospital or mental health hospital or clinic, and these facilities deliver the normal rehabilitation services that would normally be provided in any other typical alcohol and drug rehabilitation program. Partial day rehab is yet another beneficial aftercare choice for someone who has already finished rehabilitation in an inpatient or residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. This may provide additional support and recovery solutions needed for those who need to have this outlet while they manage to get their lives back on track.