It's an unfortunate truth that even expectant mothers battle with substance abuse. Sometimes, the expectant mother is already dependent on drugs or alcohol when they became pregnant and just couldn't stop using no matter how hard they attempted to do so, in the best interests of their baby. Continuing drug abuse in pregnancy is not only likely to result in a dangerous pregnancy, but could also drastically increases rates of miscarriage and infants born dependent to drugs or alcohol. No one wants to see their newborn going through drug or alcohol withdrawal simply because they didn't put an end to their substance abuse in their pregnancy. And nobody wants to have their baby taken away from them simply because they couldn't quit. Centers for pregnant women will offer woman genuine solutions in order to experience a healthy pregnancy and ultimately a healthy baby when it is born. In the rehab for mothers-to-be, women can be easily detoxed without any side effects that may compromise their health or the health of their baby. They are able to remain in rehab long enough to get the support and care that they need to fully grasp their addiction as well as what prompted it, in order to avoid these scenarios and circumstances in the long-term so they are a good mother for their baby.