It's an unfortunate fact that even mothers-to-be battle with substance abuse. Sometimes, the expectant mother had been hooked on alcohol or drugs when they became pregnant and just couldn't stop using regardless of how hard they attempted to do so, in the interest of their child. Continuing drug abuse in pregnancy is not just going to result in a risky pregnancy, but tends to also significantly increases rates of miscarriage and infants born dependent to drugs or alcohol. No one wants to see their newborn going through alcohol or drug withdrawal simply because they didn't stop their substance abuse during their pregnancy. And nobody wants to have their baby removed from their care simply because they couldn't quit. Facilities for pregnant women can offer woman true solutions to enable them to experience a healthy pregnancy and ultimately a healthy infant when it's born. In a center for expectant mothers, women can be safely detoxed with no negative effects which may compromise their own health or the health of their baby. They are able to stay in treatment of sufficient length for the support and care that they need to fully grasp their addiction and just what caused it, to avoid these circumstances and circumstances later on so they are a good mother to their infant.